Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Yet another way I know God is real

So lately I have been having these doubts about my faith.  I believe in Him.  I believe His word is true.  But then there are these thoughts and questions that nag at me.  Like sometimes I'll have some huge question about the universe or about things that are eternal and I won't know what I believe the answer is.  Or sometimes I will wonder just for a moment, "What if everything I believe just isn't true?" It's a dark and scary place to be.  I don't like it.  At times I've pushed those thoughts out of my head and avoided them with some sort of distraction.

Lately they've been very overwhelming and I have not been able to just brush them aside.  And instead of pretending like they aren't there, I've been taking all of these questions, all of these thoughts, all of these doubts... to Him.  So what has the outcome been?  I'm still in it right now so I don't have an absolute resolution to it, but ultimately I feel He is drawing me closer to Him.  I see Him working in my life in new ways despite my questions.

 Today was just one example of this.  I've been reading the book of Exodus.  I've been totally intrigued by how weak and doubtful Moses was.  At one point Moses is crying out to God and God asks him, "Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on.  Raise up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites can go through the sea on dry ground." (Exodus 14:15-17 NIV)  Moses heard directly from God and he was still fearful and still had doubts that God would do what He said He would do.  He's a lot like me.  This totally encouraged me.  But what really blew me away was maybe 20 minutes later I picked up a devotional written by Ruth Bell Graham called "Letters from Ruth's Attic" and just randomly flipped to a page in it.  She was writing about how sometimes we have a tendency to pray to God all the time and not doing anything He is asking us to do.  She talked about how sometimes God wants us to stop praying when prompted and obediently step out with our actions.  I was like, "Wow that reminds me of what I just read about Moses."  And I kid you not, a few lines down she quotes the exact verse I had just read on my own.

Coincidence?  Maybe, but I don't think so.  That's what my brain might say, but my heart knows otherwise.  And the truth of it is, I've had thousands of these "coincidences" in my life.  And every other believer I know out there has experienced just as many.  They all add up together, along with the truth and evidence found in the Bible, to lead me to the only conclusion that I can... God is real.  He proves it every single day in my life.  He is very much alive and working and He will fulfill every promise in His word.  I am actually thankful even for the doubts and fears.  They make me seek His face.  They draw me in to Him.  And my greatest prayer today for anyone else who feels the same way, is that they take it to His throne, with an open mind and heart.  He says "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7 NIV)

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