Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Putting Myself Out There

I've debated long and hard about whether I should link these posts to my Facebook page.  I have it hidden in my profile so if you dug for it you could find it and my friend Gabby mentioned it once so it is "there", but I haven't up to this point decided if I should let everyone on Facebook know when I write here.  After all my motivation isn't really so much that everyone would read this.  I'm writing because I feel I have things to say and because I feel like God has been prodding me to do this.  That's it, so why the need to notify?

The reason why I am doing it has to do with one thing, and that is a fear of letting everyone know exactly who I am.  I'm not concerned about my Christian friends.  Most of what I'm writing they can relate to or they've even thought about and articulated themselves.  But the truth is that many of my friends do not really know me.  They don't know specifically what I believe and stand for.  I've kept to myself shall we say.  I mean, most people I know relatively well know my husband works in a church.  So they can assume from that what they want, probably that I am a church attender, believe in God, celebrate Christian holidays.  But what I have failed to do is tell most of them that what I believe completely shapes who I am and how I look at everything.  I don't just attend the church my husband works at; I fully and completely love Jesus Christ.  I love who He is and what He did for me.  I'm zealous.  I'm on fire.  I'm so many things that so many people I know just don't know about.

So why have I been so afraid to let everyone know?  Maybe because when I used to not believe what I do now I thought people like me were nuts.  I don't want the friends I've made to think that about me.  But the bottom line is, I have been called to tell people who I am and what I believe.  I have been told in God's word that people will reject me and reject what I say is the truth.  But I still have to do it.  I have to be true to myself and to my God, even if I lose friendships and respect because of it.  In the end I don't have to answer to anyone other than God Himself.  God has commissioned us all to tell those around us about His love and His salvation.  There is no other reason why we are here.  If you think I'm crazy, I'm okay with that.  I promise I will have no hard feelings.  Ten years ago I would have thought you were crazy too if you had told me the same things about Jesus.  But He was always there and He is real to me now and I'm His follower.

Love,  Kate

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