Saturday, December 10, 2011

A New Perspective

Since becoming a mom I have been perpetually exhausted.  I mean 24/7 tired all the time!  I think most moms can relate.  But for the last almost 6 years I think I've also been using this as an excuse for things.  I'm too tired to play with my kids.  I'm too tired to go to church.  I'm too tired to serve in this or that.  I'm too tired, too tired, too tired.  What a shame that I've wasted 6 precious years being so tired all the time.  At one point my wonderful husband pointed out that there were single moms who were up just as early as me and managed to get their kids to church on Sunday and stayed there all day.  I dared him to find me one.  He didn't press the conversation.

Recently as I think I've mentioned, God has been doing a lot of new things in me.  I've be realizing new things every day.  One of the biggest is that life is very short.  I only have a limited amount of time before I see Him and that's it.  What am I going to do with that time?  Am I going to waste it all being tired?  NO!  I want to spend the rest of the time I have on this earth drawing closer to God, doing His work, teaching my children to do the same, and letting God use me to bring as many people as I can into His kingdom.  That's my sole purpose for being here anyway.  The best part of it all is that God is showing me that working hard is actually enjoyable with the right attitude...even if you're tired.

With that new outlook I decided that my husband R. was not going to be the only one working on the Christmas show this year.  We're all there playing a part.  J is watching on the side lines and soaking it in.  T is letting me carry her across the stage and not fussing.  And of course there's M who is joyfully making his acting debut!  We've been at church really late.  We've stood backstage waiting for the number to start for hours at a time.  We've spend a lot of time crawling and playing in the aisles of church instead of with our toys at home. To be honest with you, I'm more tired than ever before.  But I've never been more full of joy.  We're serving God.  We're doing what He called us to do.  There's nothing better than that.  Oh and proving that my husband is a very wise man and usually right about what he says... I met a single mom who is in the show too and brings her two very young children with her to rehearsal every time.  She's my hero.  She helps remind me that God wants us to work hard for him no matter what our circumstances are.  I'm hoping we can become friends : )  I think she could teach me a lot.  And now this tired mom is going to take a crack at getting some sleep!

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