I've decided I'm going to try and write here every day or as often as I can. I'm not going to wait until I have something big to write about. Call it a journal or whatever, but mostly I want to just put down what's on my mind and in my heart. Hopefully someday I can dig back in here an find something specific if it becomes important or I need it for some reason. So here it goes for today...
I'm still reading in Exodus and right now I feel like God is just showing me and reminding me that one of the ways He shows us He is real is through miracles. Like, when something is just not explainable by human logic, then it is clearly super natural. So I read about the parting of the Red Sea. Then I google searched it. I believe God parted the sea, but I'm on this hunt right now for evidence. Maybe its because I'm surrounded by all these people who don't believe and have their own good "evidence" for that. I want to have an answer for the questions that come my way. I should. We all should. Anyway, I digress...
So I found this article about how they think they have located the actual site of the parting of the Red Sea. And these divers went down there and actually found calcified chariot wheels and human remains amongst the coral reefs down there. Wow! That really blows me a way. They also found a pathway below the surface that would have been just wide enough for people to walk along. The rest of the sea floor would have been too steep on the sides. I think that's pretty amazing!
I'm thankful today that we can find this evidence. He didn't have to leave it for us. But He knew there would be people like me who needed it. I don't trust Him blindly. I can find proof left and right that the stories in the bible are not just stories. They really happened. And that makes God real!
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