Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas!

It's late and we just finished putting out the kid's Christmas gifts under the tree.  Our apartment has no place to hang stockings so they are resting against a bookcase, ready to be torn into tomorrow morning.  It's funny because for weeks my kids have been talking excitedly about opening presents and every time I try to redirect them to the reason we celebrate the holiday to begin with.  "Don't forget what we're celebrating.  It's Jesus' birthday and we're so thankful He was born."  I've said it so many times, willing it's way into their little hearts.  Everything around them screams that Christmas is about presents, and Santa, and even just family and friends.  None of those things are wrong or bad, but I so desperately want them to be only a tiny part and for Jesus to be the real reason my children are excited for Christmas.  He deserves a celebration.

 So as I sit here reflecting on His birth, I think about how he chose to come into this world.  He chose a stinking stable so that we would see what true humilty is.  He chose a lowly existence.  He chose to come, not as a man at first, but as a helpless baby who needed a mother to care for Him in every way.  Eventually He chose the nails that pierced His hands.  He did that for us all.  I'm so thankful and so greatful.  I hope I can help my children to understand this amidst all their whirlwind of new gifts.  Maybe I can't.  Maybe all the gift giving will always overshadow Jesus.  If that is the case we will need to rethink that part of our family tradition.  When it's their birthday we turn our attention to them.  But tomorrow we celebrate His and that is where our joy and hearts and focus should be. 

Merry Christmas to you all!


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