Friday, March 9, 2012

When We Mess Up

I’ve been really swamped lately, so in the interest of time I’m going to see if I can write what’s on my heart in only a few words.  We’ll see how this goes! 

The other day I did something I shouldn’t have.  It’s not really important what it was exactly, but let’s just say I knew the moment I did it, that it was wrong.  I immediately felt horrible and asked God to forgive me.  I knew He had, but what happened next and in the days to follow was Him disciplining me for my action through some consequences.  I essentially reaped what I sowed, and I deserved it.  The funny thing is that all the ordered events that happened after I did the wrong thing were just as clearly from God as they are when He is blessing me or giving me favor in a situation.

So that got me thinking.  How quickly do we acknowledge God when He does something we want versus when things don’t go our way?  It seems to me that our society as a whole is happy to point to God when something really great happens.  Super stars thank Him for their Grammy awards and Oscars.  We say it His work when we witness an unexplained medical miracle or hear an impossible story of survival.  But what about when we have a string of bad “luck”?  What about when our circumstances prove challenging?   Then it’s, “Why would God do this to me or let this happen?”  “How could God love me and not help in my situation?” 

Have we ever stopped to consider that He is as much at work when life is a challenge as when it’s going smoothly?  The challenge might not come from our own mistake.  It might not be due to wrongdoing on our part.  But it could.   Yet so many of us only want God if He’s going to do things our way, on our timeline, and on our command.

As a parent I certainly do not give my children everything they want and ask for.  I do not only involve myself in their lives to provide encouragement and support.  I also step in to discipline them when they are wrong.  I teach them that there are consequences for wrongful actions.  And I attempt to do this in love because I love them.  God is no different (except he doesn’t have to attempt to do things in love, He just does them).  As our heavenly Father He concerns Himself about teaching us life lessons.  This often includes correction.  If we are willing to keep our eyes peeled, we will notice Him in those moments. 

For me, Kate the doubter, always seeking proof of God’s existence; I noted that He was very much involved in my unsavory circumstances that followed my mistake.  He is always true to His word.  He is always there.  I know He forgave me for my mistake.  I know He desires for me to see Him at work even in the mess I’ve made.  And He is.

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