Friday, March 23, 2012

My little T. turns 1!

I’ve been waiting all week to write in this blog today.  Unfortunately I am “(feels like I’ve been hit with a Mack truck) sick so this entry I’ve been planning to write will be shorter than usual.

Today is a special today because one year ago T. was born.  I get very sappy about first birthdays.  I’m actually fairly sappy about every birthday, but the first is just so special. 

This morning I couldn’t even get out of bed with some sort of flu like ailment, but R. brought T. to me and I watched when the clock turned to 7:05 am, exactly one year since her birth.  Human life is quite amazing really.  I mean looking down at her and how much she has grown; it seems unbelievable that all of it could happen in one year.   I feel the same way about pregnancy.  In nine months tiny cells become a living, breathing, perfect baby.   

All of this leaves me in awe of the majesty that is God’s creation.   His work is perfect in every way.  I’m also struck by how quickly time passes.  I know I will blink and she will be two.  I’ll blink again and she will be grown.  Life is so precious and so quick.  I’m thankful today for every second I have of it.   

1 comment:

  1. Awww, I can totally relate. It truly is amazing. Happy birthday T.!
