Thursday, January 5, 2012

Time or a Lack Thereof

I'm working on a bit of a theme here.  It's called:  "Things Kate likes to complain she doesn't have enough of."  I wrote about Rest already.  Today I have it on my heart to write about Time.  Time is something we all feel like we want more of.  I was watching a daytime talk show and the hosts were discussing what would be the one thing they wish for if they could have anything and one of them said, "More time to get everything done."  Every relationship we have on earth is built and grown on the basis of time spent working on it.  Good marriages only occur when 2 people are willing to put in time and effort to make it good.  No child will ever feel loved by their parents just by being told "I love you."  They feel that statement in their hearts as their parents pour that love into them by spending time with them.  Friendships are built by time spent together.  And all of these relationships were designed by God to help us understand how our relationship with Him should be.

 I often feel anxiety when I look around my home and realize how much there is to do and how little time I have to get it done.  I make time for my kids, my husband, chores, and relinquish time for myself.  I regularly have thoughts that run through my head about how I never get any time for my own pursuits.  I neglect me. But in actuality the one who I've neglected to make time for the most hasn't been myself.  It has been God.  I've neglected to carve out time for the only one who has all the answers, the only one who loves me completely, the only one who can truly put my mind and heart at rest.  Why do I do that?  Why do we do that?

We have a God who formed and created us and desires longingly that we might love Him and have a relationship with Him.  He waits for us and what do we do?  We fill up our lives with busyness and think about how we will look to Him later, find Him when death is knocking at our door.  We put it off.  When we do that, we miss out on this beautiful relationship that He wants to have with us and assume, maybe falsely, that we will truly know Him when we see Him in heaven.   I think it's interesting that so many of us think that we will know who to even look for when our lives end, when we never took the time to know Him while our lives were happening.  He is very much present now, longing and waiting to show Himself to us.

God has set about to change me and my attitude about making time for Him.  I've been carving out time for Him all throughout my day.  As a mom of 3 little ones there is no chance to really plan a schedule of these meetings, so I make them happen whenever I can.

Sometimes it's very early in the morning when only T. is up nursing, or sometimes I talk to Him in my head while I make dinner, run the bath, or drive the car.

Sometimes I ask for little things from Him and marvel when He answers.  Like today when I got home from the supermarket with 20 minutes to spare before having to double park my car for street cleaning, and had a screaming baby in the back seat.  So I asked for a parking spot.  Two minutes later I had one.  Would He be less of a God if He didn't give that to me?  Not at all.  But I think He actually delights when we take the time to come to Him for our tiny burden as much as our bigger ones.  I think it pleases Him to show us He is listening by giving us an answer.

Sometimes I take time and just listen for His voice, whether that comes from His Word or a peace in my heart about something.

Sometimes I just tell Him how much I love Him and thank Him for loving me.

He's shown me lately how remiss I have been to think I had no time for Him.  I'm going to spend eternity with Him and the more time I spend with Him, the more that idea appeals to me and the less I cling to the time I have here on earth.   Knowing Him is not something that happens when we go to church or follow a set of rules.  Knowing Him happens when we determine we want that relationship in the first place and then decide we are willing to make the time for it to grow and flourish.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful post and how true! I also make time throughout the day: praying as I cook, or counting my blessings as I drive, or singing praises while I do dishes. I always remember someone saying we have time for what's important to us, and I want the Lord to always be most important to me, no matter how many other demands on my time I have. Hugs to the kids! :)
