Sunday, December 16, 2012

In the Face of Tragedy: Insensitivity

In light of the school shooting I am dedicating this blog post to get a few things off my chest.  First and foremost I think what needs to be happening more than anything else is a lot of praying.  We need to pray for comfort for the community, families effected, and lost people around the world who are struggling to make sense of all of this.  Before saying anything we really need to just pray and seek God.

I really feel the need to address a few things that have been said by both people in the media spot light, political figures, and just people discussing the event in social media.

Prayer in School:

The first I mentioned on Facebook this morning and just really want to go into more detail.  Governor Huckabee and others have been spouting off this idea that this tragedy happened because we have removed God from our schools. The shooting didn't happen because we've 'removed God from our schools'. I'm sick hearing political leaders say that. God is omnipresent.  He’s everywhere, not just in Christian homes and Christian schools.  He’s in places where overwhelmingly He is not welcome.  He’s in countries many Christians won’t even go to for fear that their own lives might be taken from them. 

In regards to the Sandy Hook School; God was there.  He was there with every child and teacher and administrator who had ushered him into their own hearts. They brought God into the school with them. His presence was there. As a former teacher, I personally used to pray and welcome His presence into my classroom. I used to pray over each chair before my students arrived that God would help them to learn. 

God did not permit this because we've taken prayer out of our schools. What about the Amish school shooting? Certainly that was a school that encouraged prayer. This happened because evil is present in this world. And you know what, God was with every person in that school building on Friday. I'm certain he was aching. But I believe He surrounded those who lost their lives with His presence as they readied to meet Him face to face.


Many times this week I’ve heard people, even some in my own church openly state that they are so grateful that God has called them to homeschool their children, therefore protecting their kids from ever being shot at in a school setting.  I’ve heard people spout that while obviously not everyone is able to homeschool, those that are able really should as it’s the right thing to do.  I just want to say, “Don’t go there” when I hear comments like that. Homeschooling is not the calling of every Christian. I personally feel called to send my kids to public school. The verse about being the salt of the earth weighs on my heart. My oldest son shares Christ with his peers and my youngest son talks about church and God in his preschool and his teacher has decided to visit our church because she says he talks about how much he loves it so often that it must be a wonderful place. Likewise I have made friends with some amazing moms in my son's school and God has given me opportunities to love them and they love me back.  I was a teacher up until 2 years ago and I could easily homeschool my children but I don't because God has called me differently. We are each so different as is God's plan for our lives.  Similarly, just because you homeschool your children, doesn’t mean that you can protect them from all harm.  As parents we are obviously driven by maternal/paternal instincts to protect our children from danger.  But at the same time as with all things in our life, we should be praying God would get glory from every situation we face.  Not just, “Oh God keep me safe, and happy, and fell fed, and living in my own little happy Christian bubble with my family.”

Anyway, back to my original statement.  In light of all that has transpired, we really just need to pray.  We need to stop pointing fingers and trying to look for practical worldly answers for why this happened.  We need to pray that in the end God will be glorified by this tragedy as people turn their hearts over to Him.  And we need to do our part to make that happen, not just sit back and shake our heads and keep on living our lives.

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