Thursday, May 10, 2012

Why I Don't Do Politics

In light of the upcoming presidential election as well as very recent statements made by our president, I feel led to share a little about the fence that I sit on when it comes to all things political.

In trying to come to a determination for whom I would vote, side with, etc. I find myself asking and wondering, which side would Jesus approve of?  The answer I can only conclude is, He would approve of some things from each side and he would disapprove of some things from each side.

I find one side treats issues of poverty with care and concern while the other is focused on me, myself, and I.  Never mind the poor, each person needs to be responsible for their own life, their own hardships, and their own successes.  This obviously bothers me.  Christ charges us to care about those who have less than we do, to love them, and help them.  He promotes a sense of community where we are to love one another, not selfishly cling to what we have earned and worked hard for because it belongs to us.

But then there are the issues of morality: abortion, gay marriage etc.  I don’t even know what to do with these.  I have personal beliefs about them that are in line with what the bible teaches, but my conflict lies in making my beliefs a law that everyone else has to follow.  I’m not certain that pointing fingers at people and trying to force them into following rules that they don’t adhere to is the answer.  Does doing that draw people to Christ?  I’m in no way suggesting I support the practices.  But I also don’t know how a political agenda against them does anything to help people come to know Jesus.  And isn’t that really what life is about for me?  Lives will never change until people see the power and love of God in their own.  The changes occur after that, not by stuffing our beliefs down the throats of everyone who feels differently.

I really have no answers.  I have no vote to give.  I don’t fully support anyone.  I guess I will be looked down upon by many, because I don’t exercise my right to vote; a right that was hard earned by women who have come before me.  But I just can’t take a side.  I don’t think Christ could either, so I’m just going to side with Him and take a back seat to politics.

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