Monday, April 9, 2012

God's Never Too Busy

I was recently struck by this advertisement for a parking lot in New York City.  I found it both amusing and sad at the same time.  I found it funny because if you live here you know how difficult it is to find a parking spot.  If you live in my neighborhood and particularly on my street you know the frustration of hours spent looking for parking.  Because of this challenge, I have often found myself praying for a spot.  Once when I was pregnant with T., I dropped R. and M. off at the airport late in the evening (J. and I were meeting them at the same end destination a few days later) and drove home.  On the way J. fell asleep and as many pregnant women know all too well, I had to use the bathroom.  Arriving home in our neighborhood after dark is a recipe for a parking nightmare.  I began to circle looking for a spot.  After twenty minutes or so and with a bladder that was about to explode I began to worry.  If I had been alone I could have double parked, put my blinkers on, ran (or more accurately waddled) up to the apartment, gone to the bathroom, and returned to my car for further circling the block.  But J. was asleep in the backseat so that was not an option.  So I did what I do every time I have my back up against the wall.  I prayed.  I asked God to give me a spot because I really needed it.  A minute later my neighbor exited our building and hopped in his car that was right out front.  Thank you Lord for that parking spot! 

I could tell you dozens of parking spot prayer stories.  I could tell you about praying to find lost items that were important to me.  I could also tell you how I’ve prayed for much more significant things, like people’s broken hearts, healing touches, and miracle interventions.  According to some people I know, as well as the parking company pictured above, God does not have time for the trivial small stuff.  Why ask God for a parking spot?  He’s busy dealing with wars, hunger, and other desperate situations. 
But I beg to differ.  I believe God is so much bigger than we can fully comprehend.  He can handle small prayers and big ones all at the same time.  He can simultaneously touch and heal a child who is fighting a terminal disease and locate a lost pair of car keys.  He can intervene in a great battle and a small one all at once.  He is God after all.  I believe God wants to be involved in every aspect of our lives.  He doesn’t want us to come to Him only when we have really huge prayer requests.  He wants us to come to Him with all of them.  He is our Heavenly Father.  Just like as children we asked our parents for everything we needed, we can do the same with God.  This is biblical.  The bible says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Phillipians 4:6NIV84) 

God may not give you what you ask for.  His answer might be no, but it can never hurt to ask.   If God chooses not to give me a parking spot, He is still God and He is still good.  His answer may not always be what I want it to be, but I am certain He is never too busy to listen.  In fact I know He delights in it.

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