Monday, August 19, 2013


Maybe I don't discuss it enough on my blog, but my husband Ricardo is truly amazing.  I mentioned in a previous post how incredible he was supporting me through the birth of my children, but his true feat is sticking by my side and weathering a hormonal beating when I am pregnant.  This pregnancy has been particularly trying because we are in limbo, trying to sort out what steps God wants us to take next.  This has not been a good combo with pregnancy hormones.  But he is a trooper.

Today as I fell apart in a particularly brutal meltdown, Ricardo began comparing our life to being in a tunnel.  He said when you're in a tunnel you have no choice but to head for the light and make your way out.  He told me that I keep trying to dig my way out of this metaphoric tunnel and he is left trying to clear the dust away and convince me that digging out isn't the way to go.  We must just move forward to the light and eventually we will be out of it.  Wise words.  Maybe God is trying to tell me something?  Hmmm...

Later this evening M. asked me to read him a story and brought me a book entitled "I Knew You Could"  It's like a follow up of sorts from "The Little Engine that Could".  I could barely read the book to M. without crying.  God used the whole book to confirm everything that Ricardo had told me earlier in the day.  Here's the page that really assured me of this:

You'll go through tunnels, surrounded by dark,
And you'll wish for a light or even a spark.
You might get scared or a little bit sad,
Wondering if maybe your track has gone bad.
So here's some advice to help ease your doubt.
The track you took in must also go out.
So steady yourself and just keep on going ---
Before you know it, some light will be showing.
And then you'll be out, heading to a new place.
You'll be ready for the next tunnel you face.

Oh how true is that?  We're on this journey, this track that God has us on.  And sometimes it get's dark and hard and we worry and doubt.  But He will always see us through.  But like Ricardo reminded me, there's only one way out and that's by following the track towards the light, not trying to dig a separate exit fruitlessly.  I need this reminder each and every day right now.  Hopefully I can keep my eyes on the light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is Jesus.  Maybe next time He has me in a tunnel I'll be more ready for the challenge it brings.  

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