Thursday, June 13, 2013

Missing in Action

Wow it’s been a really long time since I’ve posted here!  We’ve had a lot going on in our lives the last few months and they were things I just felt like I couldn’t share right away because I was really struggling with them.  At the end of March things were going great.  I was getting ready to submit paperwork to return to work full time, teaching in J.s school.  We were considering selling our apartment to some friends and actually buying a home in our neighborhood.  It was exciting!  And then about two days after my last post I found out very obviously un-expectantly that we are in fact expecting our fourth child in early December.

 I was completed floored.  I cried.  In one moment all of the plans that were underway came to a halt.  I promised myself I would have a positive outlook about it, but it’s silly to make promises about how you are going to feel about something.  I failed to keep it within a day.  I felt guilty about feeling bad about being pregnant.  I felt guilty because I have a few friends who have been trying for years to have a baby and I’m having another one.  I cried some more.  All of my struggles to be content in our small living space came flooding back and to be honest with you are still with me at this very moment.  There's no more space in the kid's bedroom for another kid (My children have solved this by stating they will just let the baby sleep in their bed ; ) Worries over finances hit me like a ton of bricks because I never planned to stay home long term and now with four little ones, returning to work full time seems unrealistic and quite honestly not what God wants me to do. 

We then found out that M. cannot get a spot in J.s school for the fall unless we falsify our address (which the school flat out encouraged us to do).  God has always paved ways for us and we’ve always been honest, so that is just not an option.  The kids will be switching schools and I’m not happy about it.  I love the school we’re in.
I wish this post had some great wrap up of revelation on how I’ve gained perspective that God is going to work things out.  My mind knows this is true, but my emotions and hormones are fighting against that every day.  I do know that a new life is always a blessing and somehow I will survive the rest of this pregnancy and the newborn months.  I’m really not good at being pregnant and I’m even worse at being sleep deprived, so bear with me.  The next year is going to be a rollercoaster for me, but I plan to take you all on the ride.  I’m going to be real and it probably won’t be pretty. Go easy on me.


  1. Hang in there, Kate... :) He will be faithful to take care of your needs, and hopefully a few wants too. Thanks for keeping it honest!

  2. Congrats Kate! Just remember that God's plans are always greater than our plans. I am sure He is paving some wonderful plans for you and your family. God is faithful and He loves you so much. He will provide for your family, it just may not be in the way that you might have planned. My husband decided to uproot our family to Chicago. It was not what I wanted (or planned), but I obeyed and our life is so much richer. With obedience comes blessings, and I'm sure #4 will be an amazing and beautiful blessing to your family. So excited for you!

  3. Hi, Kate!
    I'm so with you, girl! Okay.....well not being pregnant. A single, pregnant missionary might cause some issues with my agency! But I'm with you about all the struggle and confusion when the thing you thought God was doing and the thing He's ACTUALLY doing are two very different things. I know what it's like to just wish He'd stick to the plan! I don't have any great words of wisdom for you......just remember that He has plans to give you a hope and a future. Cling to that even while the craziness swirls around you. It's so much easier to cling to what we feel. But, I'm learning to cling to what I KNOW even where there is no evidence that my knowledge is truth. The ONE who sends the storms also calms the seas. Learn to be content with that......the joy will come even if it is much, much later. Praying for you!
