Friday, September 21, 2012


Today on the radio I heard the DJ talking about how life can get so busy.  He started listing things that commonly occupy our time saying, “…with everything going on with our family; like sports, tai kwon do, dance class, class projects, church, the dog needing this or that…”  I honestly can’t remember what he talked about after that, because I started pondering this idea of what we do with our time and how it’s so very centered on ourselves.  I also noted how he listed church near the end of his list and it made me think about how little relevance God really has in so many of our lives.  Like He is either an afterthought or someone who is an add-on to what we are already doing.

I read a book recently where the author posed a question: “If you knew that heaven was going to be a place free of pain and suffering, with all of the nicest things you can imagine, and all of your close friends and family present, but Jesus was not there, would that matter to you?”  I would actually guess that for many people it would not matter.  God, the one who created us, longs for us to want Him, trust Him, and look forward to the day where we will see Him, is an afterthought.  We think about Him on occasion or when we are in church, but our lives do not reflect that He really matters.

If our own children acted towards us the way we treat our relationship with God, our hearts would be crushed.  God is our creator and our Heavenly Father, so when we set Him aside I imagine He must feel the same way.  What if heaven isn’t going to be all about us and the good things we will have?  What if it’s going to be all about Him and finally being reunited with the One who loves us most of all?  Shouldn’t we be living our lives here on earth with that at the forefront of our minds and hearts?  And if we do, our priorities and how we spend our time will surely change.

1 comment:

  1. Love this Kate! I heard that question and it's always challenged me!!
