I've been struggling lately. Really struggling. When you're struggling it usually means you're having a hard time trusting that God has your back, that He's listening... One thing or the others seems to go wrong and I fall apart like things will never get better. Today though I had a bright moment that I want to share.
The boys are taking tennis lessons every Tuesday and Thursday morning. Today they were grouped together which usually makes J. insanely competitive towards M. Neither of my kids are tennis genius's but M. is definitely NOT a sports athlete type. He prefers to dance. But...he likes tennis and has a relaxed attitude about trying new things. J. on the other hand is super competitive and hard on himself. He gets angry when he doesn't get something right the first time. If J. misses the ball he furls up his face and stomps his feet. If M. misses the ball he runs to the back of the line, turns around and smiles at me, winks, and gives me a thumbs up! He couldn't care less! So very different.
Today each boy was placed on a different "team" and the goal of each team was to get 20 balls over the net first. Every time it was J.'s turn he pretty much got the ball over. M. never did, not once. It was the last point. The teams were tied 19 to 19 and the last two kids up from each team were none other than J. and M. The teacher said, "Okay if J. gets it and M. doesn't, J.'s team wins. If M. gets it over and J. doesn't M.'s team wins. If they both get it over the net, both teams win!" "Oh my goodness!" I thought to myself. I wanted them both to get it so badly. I wanted them both to win. But seriously the odds of that were slim because as I previously mentioned, M. had never hit the ball over the net even once. So I prayed, "God please let them both get it." And you know what? They both did! A tie! Thank you Lord. I'm having a tough time right now trusting God work certain things out in my life, but He is there. He never leaves my side. I needed a little reminder of that today and He gave it to me.